Daily View
Sunday, December 15, 2019
02:00pm - 04:00pm
Mismatched Mishpocha: Strategies to Analyze Endogamous DNA
Speaker: Alec Ferretti
This lecture will discuss how best to weed out false-positive DNA Matches that Jewish test-takers face daily. Alec will outline the data that demonstrates the unique ways in which endogamous populations match each other. Then, by using visualization tools such as DNA Painter, he will illustrate webs of interrelationships of endogamous test-takers and identify genetic pile-up regions (or multiple shared autosomal DNA segments stacked up on top of each other) that may not indicate shared ancestors. Although there is no surefire method as of yet to remove false matches, by having a more thorough understanding of endogamous results, we ...
03:30pm - 05:00pm
Special Membership Reception
Reception underwritten by the Lucille Gudis Memorial Fund
Those attending the regular meeting will receive raffle tickets and be eligible for prizes.