Burial Society Plot Maps in YIVO's Landsmanshaftn Collections
The record groups for the following landsmanshaftn, synagogues, and benevolent associations contain one or more plot maps for that burial society. There are other societies in the YIVO landsmanshaftn collection that may have pre-existing maps but we have not mined for them. Should you come across them please let us know.
Note that these plot maps would be current only up to the time that the society became defunct. They would not contain any burials that occurred on the society's grounds after that time even though burials often continue to occur in a society's plot after the society was liquidated. For instance, society members whose graves were indicated as "reserved" on the map may have outlived the society and were buried in their reserved lot after the society ceased to exist. Many of these maps may contain the burial date and not the actual date of death. Plus the name of the deceased on the map may differ in spelling than what is on the gravestone. A deceased widow might be listed by her first husband's surname on the plot map, but by her second husband's surname on her gravestone. Thus in order to get a true and accurate accounting of all burials in the plot up to the present, including date of death, you will still need to go to the burial society in person and compare each entry on the map with the gravestone.
The advantage of these maps is that if you plan on indexing a burial society for the JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR), it will give you a heads-up as to the size of the plot and the names of most of the deceased before you step foot in the cemetery. Plus the maps may contain the names of stillborns, infants, children, and sometimes even adults who are buried in unmarked graves, or whose gravestones are too faded to be legible, or are sinking into the ground, or have fallen face down where they cannot be read. If you plan on indexing one of these societies for the JOWBR, please check the JOWBR Cemetery Inventory beforehand to make sure that the society hasn't already been done. At least nine burial societies that have plot maps at YIVO have already been indexed directly from the gravestone inscriptions in the cemetery: Chaim Hersch Weiss Courland Benevolent & Relief Society, First Janower Sick and Benevolent Association, Erster Knihinin Stanislauer Kranken Unt. Verein, First Bialekamen Aid Association, First Stanislauer Young Men's Benevolent Association, First Toporower Sick & Benevolent Society, Independent Lemberger Ladies Aid Society, Kovner Unt. Verein, and Rostover Handwerker Unt. Verein. Also note that a burial society may have a plot in more than one cemetery (or multiple plots within the same cemetery) and that the society's plot map in YIVO's landsmanshaftn collection may be for only one of its cemetery locations. For instance, the map for the Courland Benevolent & Relief Society is only for the society also known as the Old Courland Lodge and not for the New Courland Lodge in the same cemetery
Landmanshaftn & Other Societies | Record Group | File Number |
Abraham Cohen Benevolent Society Inc. | RG 1008 | |
Agudath Achim Aid Society aka Agudas Achim Aid Society | RG 123 Oversized Box 84 | |
Akiba Eger Good Fellowship Fraternity | RG 123 | 380 |
Anikster Benevolent Pischei Tshuvo Association Inc. | RG 937 | |
Associated Benevolent Young Men Inc. [Wloclawek Poland] | RG 930 | |
Association of Ekaterinaszaw | RG 1714 | |
Balta Benevolent Congregation of the City of New York | RG 1683 | |
Baron Wilhelm Rothschild Sick & Benevolent Society | RG 123 | 381 |
Benevolent Association of the Elites Inc. | RG 123 | 469 |
Bethlehem Benevolent Society | RG 123 | 383 |
Bichover Society Inc. | RG 123 | 448 |
Bielsker Bruderlicher Unt. Verein | RG 1046 | |
Bnai Rezitza Association Inc. | RG 918 | |
Bolshowcer Sick & Benevelent Association; Erste Bolshower Sick & Ben. Association | RG 123 | 452 |
Boro Friendship League (formerly King Saul Lodge) | RG 1726 | |
Bronx Bakers Mutual Aid Association | RG 1627 | |
Brotherly Aid Association of Brooklyn | RG 123 | 385 |
Brotherly Love Association of Stolin; Ind. Brotherly Love Assoc. of Stolin; Ind. Agudath Achim Anshe Stolin | RG 123 | 559 |
Brothers of True Friendship | RG 1648 | |
Bucovina Workingmans Aid Society | RG 123 | 458 |
Bukowinaer Center Benevolent Society | RG 1747 | |
Butka Benevolent Society | RG 123 Oversized Box 62 | |
Chaim Hersch Weiss First Janower Sick and Benevolent Association | RG 868 | |
Charles Polimer Lodge 416 IOBA | RG 123 | 386 |
Chasnick-Bieshenkowitzer Society | RG 886 | |
Chechanover Young Mens Benevolent Association | RG 123 | 461 |
Chevra Anshey Szczucyn VAnshey Grayeve | RG 1240 | |
Chevra Ateres Zkeinim | RG 123 | 388 |
Chevra Ayin Yakub Kenesis Israel Inc aka Chevra Ayin Jacob Knessis of East New York | RG 123 Oversized Box 84 | |
Chevra Beth Israel Anshei Hlusk | RG 123 Oversized Box 84 | |
Chevra Bnei Jacob Anshei Sherishow/Sherishower | RG 123 | 552 |
Chevra Bnei Serheier Unt. Verein | RG 123 | 548 |
Chevra Kadisha Beth Israel | RG 865 | |
Chevra Kol Yisroel of Brownsville | RG 1027 | |
Chevra Linas Azedek Anshei Yelineve | RG 1770 | |
Chevra Mikra Kodesh Anshe Kladower/Congregation Mikroh Kodish Anshe Klodower | RG 123 | 488 |
Chevra Sheares Israel Bahusher Stefanester Klaus | RG 1659 | |
Chevra Tillum & Mishnayes | RG 1794 | |
Chief Rabbi Leib Knepper Benevolent Association | RG 1643 | |
Chmielniker Sick and Benevolent Society | RG 1081 | |
Congregation Agudas Achim Anshei Kurland & Lida ; Chevra Ahavath Achim Anshe Leda; Agudash Achim Anshei Kurland | RG 123 | 501 |
Congregation Agudath Achim Anshe Borisoff | RG 1637 | |
Congregation Ahavath Zedek Anshei Timkowitz | RG 840 | |
Congregation Ahawath Shlomo | RG 123 | 391 |
Congregation Ahawei Sholom Anshei Sokole | RG 123 | 298 |
Congregation Beth Aaron Beth Sholom (formerly First Austrian Hungarian Congregation Beth Sholom) | RG 123 | 442 |
Congregation Bethlehem Jehuda Bnai Rezitza | in RG 918 | |
Congregation Bikur Cholim of Brooklyn | RG 123 Oversized Box 84 | |
Congregation Bikur Cholim of East New York (Anshe Shepetovka) | RG 862 | |
Congregation Bnai Peiser | RG 1690 | |
Congregation Bnei Isaac Narajow | RG 1713 | |
Congregation Chevra Molodetchno and Ladies Auxilliary | RG 1619 | |
Congregation Ezras Achim Bnei Pinsk | RG 780 | |
Congregation Mogen David Anshei Choroszcz | RG 1706 | |
Congregation Sons of Abraham Anshei Brooklyn | RG 1758 | |
Congregation Tifereth Achim Anshe Dinaburg | RG 123 | 466 |
Congregation Volin Peoples of Matziv | RG 1654 | |
Courland Benevolent & Relief Society | RG 123 | 70 |
Czernowitz-Bukowinaer Lodge | RG 1782 | |
Czortkower Rabbi J.M. Shapiro Society | RG 1815 | |
Daniel Webster Benevolent Association | RG 123 | 394 |
Dora Lipkowitz Voluntary Aid and Sick Benefit Society | RG 953 | |
Drogichiner Progressive Aid Society | RG 1759 | |
Dubner Vollener Society | RG 1797 | |
East New York Progressive Society | RG 1805 | |
Emanuel Morrell Foundation Inc. | RG 123 | 396 |
Endeavor Circle of Brooklyn | RG 123 | 398 |
Erste Biliner and Lonker Young Mens Benevolent Association | RG 1556 | |
Erste Chmelniker Unt. Verein | RG 1655 | |
Erste Uscie Biskipiler Unt. Verein | RG 1682 | |
Erster Atiker Bessarabian Kranken Unt. Verein | RG 1631 | |
Erster Knihinin Stanislauer Kranken Unt. Verein | RG 1090 | |
Eternal Benevolent Society | RG 1680 | |
Eternal Young Friends | RG 123 | 399 |
Evenitzer Benevolent Association | RG 1695 | |
Family Mutual Aid Society | RG 1812 | |
Fannie Abrams Independent Benevolent Society Inc. | RG 1535 | |
Fellows of Odessa | RG 1774 | |
First Awritchever Society | RG 1647 | |
First Bacauer Sick and Benevolent Association | RG 938 | |
First Bialekamen Aid Association | RG 1729 | |
First Chorostkower Kranken Unt. Verein | RG 1662 | |
First Frampoler Podoler Benevolent Society | RG 123 | 470 |
First Haliczer Benevolent Association | RG 123 Oversized Box 84 | |
First Hrubieshower Sick & Benevolent Society | RG 1783 | |
First Independent Husiatyner Sick & Benevolent Society | RG 1793 | |
First Independent Odesser Ladies Sick Benevolent Association | RG 859 | |
First Independent Securaner Relief Benevolent Association; First Ind. Securaner Sick & Ben. Assoc. | RG 123 | 314 |
First Independent Zinkower Society | RG 962 | |
First Jefferson Benevolent Society | RG 1789 | |
First Korolowker Young Mens Benevolent Association; First Korolowker Ladies Ben. Association | RG 123 | 494 |
First Koropiecer Benevolent Association | RG 946 | |
First Mihowa Berhometh Bucowiner KUV | RG 1801 | |
First Monastrishter Benevolent Society | RG 123 | 523 |
First Pogrebisht Benevolent Society Inc. | RG 1093 | |
First Radymnoer Congregation Bnai Mordchai Menachem | RG 1773 | |
First Sokoroner Dr. Braunstein Progressive Society | RG 961 | |
First Stanislauer Young Mens Benevolent Association | RG 1791 | |
First Tluster Brothers Benevolent Association | RG 1623 | |
First Toporower Sick & Benevolent Society/Association | RG 123 | 563 |
First Uhnower & Tartakower Sick Benevolent Association; First Uhnower & Tartakower Society | RG 123 | 568 |
First Ushitzer Podoler Benevolent Association Inc. | RG 1084 | |
First Wielkie Oczer Sick Benevolent Society | RG 1806 | |
First Yezierna Sick and Benevolent Association | RG 950 | |
First Zborower Sick and Benevolent Association | RG 798 | |
Frei Budzanower Kranken Unt. Verein | RG 123 Oversized Box 84 | |
Friendship Group of Israel | RG 123 | 471 |
Garsony Krakauer Sick Benevolent Society; Ida Garsony Sick Benevolent Society; Fannie Krakow Sick & Ben. Society | RG 123 | 473 |
Glogower Society | RG 1778 | |
Goodwill Benevolent Association | RG 1684 | |
Gottzolowai Benevolent Association; & Gotzilower Benevolent Society | RG 123 | 474 |
Greater New York Lodge #173 IOBA | RG 1739 | |
Gruner Zweig Kranken Unt. Verein | RG 1119 | |
Harlem Kurlander Young Mens Aid Society | RG 123 | 503 |
Horodishter Korsoner Lodge Inc. | RG 855 | |
Hunts Point Chevra Bikur Cholim | RG 123 | 403 |
Husiatyner-Podolier Friendship Circle | RG 1055 | |
Ideal Sick & Benevolent Ladies Auxiliary | RG 123 | 404 |
Independent Berlader Benevolent Association | RG 949 | |
Independent Brodsky Benevolent Association Inc. | RG 979 | |
Independent Brotherhood of Yonkers | RG 123 | 405 |
Independent Burdujener Sick and Benevolent Society | RG 853 | |
Independent Drohobyczer Young Mens Benevolent Society | RG 1357 | |
Independent Elizabethgrad Ladies Benevolent Association | RG 861 | |
Independent First Oddesser Society of Brownsville | RG 123 Oversized Box 84 | |
Independent Horodoker Benevolent Aid Association | RG 1651 | |
Independent Israelites of Yonkers | RG 1746 | |
Independent Kishinever Ladies Benevolent Society/Independent Kishinever Frauen K.U.V. | RG 123 | 486 |
Independent Lemberger Ladies Aid Society | RG 905 | |
Independent Orler Benevolent Society Inc. | RG 1023 | |
Independent Podolier Society of Brownsville | RG 1663 | |
Independent Skierniewicer Benevolent Association | RG 811 | |
Independent Society Sons of Abraham Inc. | RG 123 | 406 |
Independent Wlotzlawker Young Mens Benevolent Society | RG 930 | |
Isidore Goldenberg Benevolent Association | RG 123 | 409 |
James A. Garfield Society Inc. | RG 123 | 411 |
Joseph Eckert Aid & Benevolent Society Inc. | RG 123 | 413 |
Joseph Family Society | RG 1642 | |
Jupiter Benevolent Society | RG 123 | 414 |
Kadec Association | RG 1741 | |
Kalinkowitzer Progressive Aid Society | RG 1784 | |
Kaluszer Ladies Society Inc. | RG 959 | |
Kaniev Stepenetz Benevolent Association Inc | RG 123 | 484 |
Kartuz-Berezer Benevolent Association Inc. | RG 1118 | |
Kehilath Temple Mason | RG 123 | 415 |
Kishinever Benevolent Society | in RG 1921 | |
Kolboshower Teitelbaum Lodge #98 IOBA | RG 123 | 493 |
Koniner Young Mens Benevolent Association | RG 1722 | |
Kopaigorod Podolier Aid Association | RG 123 | 496 |
Korelitzer Society | RG 1628 | |
Kovner Unt. Verien | RG 1745 | |
Kreitzburger Jacobstadter Benevolent Association | RG 944 | |
Kremenitzer Wolyner Benevolent Association | RG 788 | |
Kutno Society Bnai Jacob | RG 857 | |
Ladies Aid Society of East New York | RG 1679 | |
Ladies Krementshuger Benevolent Association | RG 1087 | |
Lady McKinley Benevolent Society | RG 952 | |
Lapitzer Independent Benevolent Society | RG 1618 | |
Latichever Progressive Society Inc. | RG 897 | |
Leah Benevolent Society | RG 929 | |
Leopold Einhorn Sick & Benevolent Society | RG 123 | 417 |
Letitcherver Family Ben. Association | RG 1614 | |
Lezansker Young Mens Benevolent Society | RG 1649 | |
Liberty Brotherhood of 1917 | RG 1811 | |
Liberty Lodge #27- Independent Order of Brith Abraham | RG 123 | 418 |
Lieder Brothers Benevolent Association; Lieder Briider Unt. Verein | RG 1748 | |
Lomzer Young Mens Ben. Association | RG 1541 | |
Loyal Benevolent Society Inc. | RG 900 | |
Manhattan Fraternal Association | RG 123 | 419 |
Max S. Levine Society | RG 1650 | |
Menorah Benevolent Society Inc. | RG 902 | |
Mestislaver Vicinity Benevolent Association; Mistislaver Bayone Unt. Verein | RG 123 | 522 |
Middle Village Benevolent Association Inc. | RG 988 | |
Mikulincer Independent Lodge Inc. | RG 948 | |
Minsker Ladies Benevolent Society | RG 907 | |
Modern Ladies & Mens Society | RG 123 | 420 |
Moses Falkenheim Sick & Benevolent Society | RG 123 | 421 |
New Bessarabian Aid Association | RG 1664 | |
Newmark Young Mens Benevolent Association | RG 123 | 210 |
Noah Society | RG 1615 | |
Odessa Sisterhood Association | RG 123 | 526 |
Odessar Young Mens Benevolent Association | RG 858 | |
Ostrolenker Friendship Society Inc. | RG 860 | |
Poloner Independent Aid Society | RG 1329 | |
Polotzker Workingmens Benevolent Society | RG 867 | |
Ponevezer Progressive Young Mens Benevolent Association | RG 1603 | |
Progressive Bobriker Young Mens Benevolent Society | RG 123 | 450 |
Radautz Roumanian Benevolent Society & Relief Committee; Raduwitzer Romanian Association | RG 123 | 259 |
Radiant Monitor Association | RG 1620 | |
Radomysler Benevolent Society Inc. | RG 814 | |
Rostover Handwerker Unt. Verein; Rostover Help & Unt. Verein | RG 123 | 538 |
Roumanian Gomle Chesed Verein | RG 1653 | |
Sanhedrin Lodge #606 IOBA | RG 123 | 427 |
Schwartz Leventhal Memorial Association Inc. | RG 123 | 428 |
Shoemakers Sabbath Observers of Bronx | RG 123 | 430 |
Skalar Benevolent Society | RG 1039 | |
Sobolivker Chevra | RG 1765 | |
Social W. Society of Brooklyn | RG 123 | 429 |
Society Sons of Adam; Bnai Adam | RG 123 & Oversized Box 83 | 422 |
Society Sons of the Land of Israel | RG 1730 | |
Soler Brothers Benevolent Association | RG 940 | |
Sons of Jacob Benevolent Society | RG 1677 | |
Stocker Brothers Aid Society (Stoczek) | RG 123 | 558 |
Stoliner Progressive Society Inc. | RG 847 | |
Streshiner Brothers Aid Society | RG 1809 | |
Strykower Benevolent Association | RG 1699 | |
Sudilkow Sick Support Society | RG 1691 | |
Sunshine Benevolent Association | RG 123 | 433 |
Szeniczer Ladies Sick & Benevolent Society | RG 875 | |
Tolchiner Benevolent Society | RG 838 | |
Tolchiner Friends Association | RG 1626 | |
Trembowla Brotherhood Benevolent Society | RG 1645 | |
Tremont Benevolent Society Inc. | RG 939 | |
Trisker Voliner Young Mens Benevolent Association | RG 914 | |
Uller Benevolent Association | RG 1086 & Oversized Box 48 | |
Unipar Benevolent Association (K of P) | RG 1641 | |
United Brethren of Poneviesch | RG 1605 | |
United Brothers Town of Brooklyn Aid Society | RG 1711 | |
United Children of Joseph Solomon | RG 1795 | |
United Dombrowitzer Benevolent Association | RG 123 | 467 |
United Friends Mutual Aid Association | RG 1689 | |
United Friends of Czernowitz | RG 1062 | |
United Hungarian Schifre Stein Kranken Unt. Verein; United Hungarian Shifre Stein Ladies | RG 123 | 478 |
United Lutzker Mens & Womens Benevolent Society | RG 1744 | |
United Mozirer Friends | RG 1749 | |
United Smolewitzer Association Inc. | RG 849 | |
Unity Friendship League Inc; formerly Moses Mendelsohn Lodge No. 91 Independent Order Brith Abraham | RG 931 | |
Utianer Benevolent Association | RG 935 | |
Vitebsk Benevolent Association | RG 1640 | |
Weinreb Benevolent Society | RG 1678 | |
West End Society | RG 1798 | |
West Side Brotherly Love Congregation & Benevolent Society | RG 1724 | |
Wiazener Benevolent Association; Wiazener Benevolent Society; Wiazener Young Mens Benevolent Association | RG 123 | 572 |
Wisoko-Litovsker Bruderlicker Unt. Verein | in RG 1611 | |
Wolkovisker Young Mens Benevolent Association | RG 1734 | |
Yeshivath Torath Chaim of Harlem | RG 123 | 437 |
Young Krevitzer | RG 954 | |
Young Mens Aid Society of Harlem | RG 123 & Oversized Box 53 | 439 |
Zabludower Kranken Unt. Verein | RG 1668 | |
Zamechover Progressive Benevolent Association | RG 1710 | |
Zenith Society Inc. | RG 1608 | |
Zosler Protective Association | RG 1933 |