Lucille Gudis Memorial Photo Roadshow

Speaker: Maureen Taylor
With the sponsorship of the Lucille Gudis Memorial Fund for Jewish Genealogy, the JGSNY is planning an online afternoon program dedicated to examining and researching our family photographs. Maureen Taylor, photo specialist, will present a Photo Detective Roadshow for JGSNY members, preceded by the Gudis Memorial Lecture, No Language Barrier: Immigrant Clues in Photographs, also underwritten by the Gudis Memorial Fund.
JGSNY members planning to attend the Roadshow will have the opportunity to submit photos in advance with their specific questions. Maureen will respond to a selection from among those for analysis and discussion. We will request a modest donation from those whose photos are discussed. Information on submitting a photo, one per member, will be provided.
Maureen Taylor is an internationally recognized expert on historical photograph identification, photo preservation and family history research. Sought out by clients all over the world from as far away as New Zealand, her pioneering work in photo research is unprecedented, evidenced by her success in solving photo mysteries. Her focus is on helping people rediscover their family history one picture at a time and getting folks to dig deep into their family history to tell the story of their ancestors.
JGSNY members only