Help! I got my DNA Results and I'm Confused! Part 1

Speaker: Gil Bardige
Did you get your autosomal DNA results from any or all of the 4 testing companies? Do you, have tens of thousands of matches that they tell you are close relatives, only to find that they don’t share a surname or town in common? Confused? Frustrated? You are not alone.
So, take a deep breath and join us in understanding your results of ethnicity and matches; how to prioritize them, and reduce the thousands of matches to numbers you can research and maybe find keys to expanding your genealogy family tree.
This webinar is for beginners and others who are just stuck or don’t know what to do next. Maybe you need a restart? Gil will share his processes and techniques to prioritize matches to get organized and feel like you can accomplish something and know what to do next. In the end, you will be able to say, “Now I understand, I get it, I know what to do.”
Gil Bardige began his genealogy adventure in 1979 with 54 people in his family tree. Today his tree, including extended family (his mishpocha), includes over 2500 people tracing four branches back to his 5th great-grandfathers, born about 1740. For the past 17 years Gil has been expanding his expertise to genetic genealogy; he currently manages three Y-DNA projects at Family Tree DNA as a Volunteer Administrator. He has spoken at dozens of local events and conferences, including IAJGS conferences, co-hosts live Genetic Genealogy Q&A sessions at JGS Illinois and JGS Toronto, and chairs the Genealogy Committee of the Columbus Jewish Historical Society (JGS). Gil has also managed the Mentoring Program for IAJGS and co-hosts the Apple Users and Jewish Genealogy Facebook page and monthly virtual BOF (Birds of a Feather) meeting. Gil is a firm believer that you can use DNA results as a tool in your genealogical research to generate clues that can help people confirm/deny relationships. He loves to help people manage their expectations and begin to remove confusion from their DNA results.